MakE an origami SAILBOAT
Really, nothing says holiday like a small sailboat made from folded paper. And unlike a certain dove, which requires a bit of stick-to-itiveness to complete, this one is dead simple—truly, any square piece of paper will do.
We used a piece of newsprint torn from our favorite calendar.

Step 1
Holding the paper like a diamond, fold the paper in half, from the left side to the right. Crease well.

Step 2
Unfold it.

Step 3
Fold it in half again, but from the top to the bottom.

Step 4
Unfold it again.

Step 5
Flip the paper over.

Step 6
Create a book-fold from the midpoint of the square.

Step 7
Unfold again.

step 8
Create a second book-fold along the remaining midpoint.

Bring in all the creases so that the corners all meet.
(This looks complicated but is super simple)

This is what it will look like as you start creasing and folding.

step 10
Fold the bottom half of the front side up and tuck it under the top half.

It will look like this.

Step 11
Flip the paper over again.

step 12
Repeat the fold from step 10, tucking the bottom half of the diamond under the top half.

step 13
Rotate the paper so the two triangles are on top. These will be the sails.

step 14
Fold the left triangle down over the bottom.

step 15
Create a new fold in the triangle, about 1/4th of the way from the bottom fold.

step 16
Create a crease along the new fold line.

step 17
Unfold and refold while tucking the smaller bottom fold inside.

step 18
Create a fold about halfway from the bottom.

step 19
Fold the bottom triangle down a little so the sailboat can stand.

step 20
Turn it over.

step 21
It should look like this. A sailboat.

Or this.