MakE an origami dove

Pro tip: Start with Origami paper.

Any square piece of paper will do,
but folding gets trickier as the paper gets thicker.

Step 1

Fold the bottom point up to the top point and crease well.

Step 2

Fold the right point over to the left point.

Step 3

Unfold the previous step.

Step 4

Fold the bottom left and right points diagonally up to the top point.

Step 5

Fold the top point of both flaps down to the bottom point.

Step 6

Unfold the previous step.

Step 7

Fold the left and right points in to the center.

Step 8

Unfold the previous step.

step 9

Unfold the right side.


Using the fold lines you just made,
fold the middle part of the right side in.

Step 11

Fold the right section back up, squashing the folds underneath.

step 12

Unfold the left side.

Step 13

Using the creases you just made, fold the left side in.

step 14

Fold the left side back up, squashing the folds underneath.

step 15

Flip the paper over, from left to right.

step 16

Fold the left edge over to the right edge. Make sure the open ends are at the top.

step 17

Fold the top layer diagonally down to the left.

step 18

Flip the paper over to the other side, from left to right.

step 19

Bring the top layer diagonally down to the right.

step 20

Fold the flap diagonally over and down to the left.

step 21

Bring the other flap down from behind to match.

step 22

Fold the top point diagonally over to the left, using the fold lines underneath as a guide.

step 23

Open the paper up a bit so that it looks a little like a rocket ship (like this).

step 24

Bring the two sides inwards together (so that you have this).

step 25

Flatten the paper again and rotate it to this position.

step 26

Fold the bottom left flap diagonally up to the right.

step 27

Repeat on the other side.

step 28

Flip and rotate the paper.

Step 29

Inside reverse fold the head (yes!). Pinch the top point and pull it down.

Step 30

Flatten the head.


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